Litigation and Dispute Resolution
Clients trust us as their tenacious, fearless advocates. Midtown Law has the litigation experience you’ll need to quickly assess risk, identify winning arguments, staff leanly, and see results. Through innovative dispute resolution techniques and skillful courtroom advocacy, you can count on us to optimize your prospects for a successful outcome. Keeping your best interest at the forefront, we’ll also manage your risks relevant to legal costs and minimize the likelihood of future litigation.

- Breach of contract
- Corporate governance disputes
- Trademark disputes
We regularly appear in the Superior Court and Arizona District Court for our business clients to resolve these types of disputes.
- Disputes with suppliers, vendors, or customers including non-payment and non-performance.
Midtown Law represents both individuals and business clients in breach of contract cases. Anyone who believes they are the victim, or will be the victim of a contract breach should quickly seek legal advice to determine how best to respond.
Based on the nature of the contract and type of contractual agreement, you may have options to rescind the contract and seek damages or alternatively seek an order for ‘specific performance.’ In other cases, you may only be entitled to a limited remedy and may still be required to continue performing your duties under the contract. Inappropriately terminating your own duties in response to another party’s breach may allow the other party to seek breach of contract damages against you or limit the remedies you can seek against them.